Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Beginnings..

Let's get it started! I have always wanted to start a blog on my own ramblings and my have things come a long way since the days of xanga. My life is full of many loves. First and foremost, Jesus is my buddy. I have dedicated my life to follow Jesus. Then came marriage. I am married to a pretty cool dude named, Brian. We happen to share a passion of ministering to kiddos. That is where my job comes in. At church, I serve the 3-5th grade kids, who are pretty awesome and I love watching them grow in their faith. So what do I do in the little free time I have?

You guessed it, I'm a crafty girl and I love DIY projects. So now that the holiday's are winding down, I am going to start a new year's resolution of updating this blog as much as I can. Stay tuned for my first tutorial! If you have a blog I should follow, let me know so I can keep up to date with you as well.